Cravath’s New York Office Moves to Two Manhattan West
“I started in a general corporate practice, where I worked on private and public M&A deals, capital markets offerings and commercial bank financings. Within a few months of beginning work at the Firm, I was tasked with taking the lead in closing several deals and, by the end of my first rotation, I was given the opportunity to serve as the lead associate for a capital markets offering. I then moved to a public M&A practice, where I acted as the lead associate on a number of high-profile deals, including Johnson & Johnson’s bid for Guidant and Noble Energy’s acquisition of Patina Oil & Gas. Next stops were a commercial banking rotation, then a capital markets rotation, where I acted as lead associate on a variety of ground-breaking deals, including the bank financing for the SunGard acquisition and the bond offering for the Freescale acquisition. My last couple of rotations focused on public M&A and corporate governance, including work on The Container Store’s partnership with Leonard Green & Partners, JPMorgan’s acquisition of Bear, Stearns and PNC’s acquisition of National City Bank. As a partner, I have focused on M&A and corporate governance, including recently representing Affiliated Computer Services in its acquisition by Xerox and the Kuwait Sovereign Fund in capital restructurings.
“The two consistent themes throughout all my rotations were challenge and growth. I always felt that I was being pushed to my limits and sometimes beyond. Although this was sometimes daunting and frustrating, in retrospect, I’m not sure I’d still be here without the constant excitement.”
Celebrating 200 years of partnership. In 2019, we celebrated our bicentennial. Our history mirrors that of our nation. Integral to our story is our culture.
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